What is the source of terrorism?
RRG blames the salafi. For me it is colonialism
The main ideological difference between RRG asatizah and me in relation to terrorism is that they blame terrorism on Muslims (especially salafi) while I view it as the result of a political condition.
For example, in his book on the "Roots of Religious extremism", RRG Vice Chairman (and son of RRG Chairman) Ustadz Mohamed bin Ali claimed that the concept of al Wala wal Bara (WB) as practiced by Salafi Muslims is the foundation of extremism.
He further claimed that the Salafi believe it as a matter of aqidah.
While there are Salafis who are not violent, he locate terrorism among the "Jihadi-salafi."
These "Jihadi-salafi" according to RRG's Ustadz Mohamed are outgrowths of the political salafis. Hence, the argument RRG make that terrorism is politics, is not divorced from salafism or Islam. The claim is that terrorism is a manifestation of salafism.
I have a very different view.
I view terrorism through its source of politics and colonisation.
No one, least of all the Muslims, would want to be terrorists.
We should remember that Al-Qaeda came out of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.
ISIS came out of the West's invasion of Iraq.
When these colonisers destroyed the existing structures, it initially resulted in resistance movements. These movements may become offensively violent. In their desperation, they believed that violence was the solution to their problems.
This is not unique to the Muslim world.
Throughout history, various movements have undertaken violence as their recourse when their political systems are destroyed.
The Sicarii were Jews who lived under the Roman colonisation and carried daggers to kill Romans and their sympathisers.
LTTE fought for a Tamil homeland in Sri Lanka. They were known for bombing sprees (including assassinating Rajiv Gandhi).
The IRA sought the expulsion of the British colonisers from Northern Ireland. They were known for bombing campaigns in the streets, train stations and many more.
The source of terrorism is typically violence afflicted on a population (whether Britain in Ireland or the West/ Soviets in the Middle East).
It resulted in a power vacuum, desperation and militancy.
These groups became used to violence and see it as the solution to their political problems.
Terrorism is not religious. It has nothing to do with Islam. It has nothing to do with Jews under Roman occupation. It has nothing to do with Catholics in Ireland.
It typically is the result of colonisation.
In order to end terrorism, we need to end colonisation.
That is our only option.